This is Where It All Started.

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This is Where It All Started.

Post by WishBone »

This where it all started UCLA MensBB player Ed O'Bannon sued the NCAA and thus the NIL was Sprouted.......................

A: When you play an NCAA sport, you have to sign a waiver that relinquishes your right to make money off your likeness as an NCAA athlete. The NCAA let EA Sports use those players' likenesses in video games, like the NCAA Football and NCAA March Madness series. The NCAA probably could have gotten away with this if they only used current players in these games, as college athletes don't usually have the inclination to sue people who could suspend them and don't have the money to pay for litigators.

But EA and the NCAA got greedy. They used classic teams, like the 1996 UCLA Bruins basketball team. This caught the attention of former UCLA power forward Ed O'Bannon, who's now a car salesman outside Las Vegas. He doesn't work in sports any more, so what does he have to lose by suing the NCAA for using his likeness? He later got Tyrone Prothro, the Alabama receiever whose leg injuries in college prevented him from having a pro career, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson and others to join his suit.
Opinions are still "OK" ...Correct?
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