A Life of Leadership-Joe Kapp

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OU Chinaman
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A Life of Leadership-Joe Kapp

Post by OU Chinaman »

...in 1969 I was a sophomore at Putnam City (original@ NW 50th & Grove) and the Minnesota Vikings were dubbed the "Purple People Eaters!

They finished 12-2 and lost to the Kansas City Chiefs in the 4th Super Bowl.

Kapp was one of those players who couldn't run, couldn't throw well (mortar shot type passes) but was absolutely tough as boot leather, and just won!

Always admired Joe Kapp, a Cal@ Berkley qb (and coach) and also played on the basketball team there. Took his team to the Rose Bowl, and I don't think they've been back since.
Went to the Canadian Football league and won the Grey Cup title with the B.C. Lions in 1964.

Thoroughly enjoyed his book. It's a throwback to the way football used to be played. he's 83 or 84 now and suffers from Alzhiemers, likely a result of CTE.

The opening chapter is called The Punch and it's the story of a banquet celebrating retired CFL players, and the most hated dirty player in the league was a man name Angelo Mosca.
He & Kapp hated each other and oddly were called up to the stage together. Kapp walked up to Mosca and offered him some flowers. Mosca took a swing @ Kapp with his cane and Kapp threw a dead solid right cross that knocked Mosca down.

Kapp looked out at the banquet attendees and shouted, "SPORTSMANSHIP!"
I'm HOPING somebody here can find it and post it for everybody to watch. It's hysterical. (OU Guy, Wishbone, 'hombre or anybody else who's so inclined.)

"On the surface "forty for sixty" is just a slogan or a motto. Another team can shout those words and still be defeated every time it takes the field. Without the values of the 40 players, forged together in the blast furnace of the 60 minutes, it's all jst talk. TEAMS are built on achievable goals, endurance, common sacrifice, sweat, effort, and proper use of skills and energy. Players and teams that are not honest with themselves or who look for the easy way cannot possibly understand the true meaning of forty for sixty.(Sounds like TBOW's last team here) -JOE KAPP

:ou: :ou: :ou: :rice:
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