So what's your OU/SoonerTimes story?

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So what's your OU/SoonerTimes story?

Post by OU_Tom »

Since we are starting a new version :ou: of the board's software, we thought it might be a good time for people to talk about their usernames, their connections to OU, etc.

I will start.

I was born in Norman and both of my parents went to the University of Oklahoma so I started watching OU games when I was still in diapers.

My username is OU_Tom. It is tricky. My name is Tom
:ou: :dude:
::rice2:: :dude:
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Post by K2C Sooner »

K2C is short for Catoosa. I first heard the phrase in the movie OKLAHOMA! I will be changing it after the season because I plan on moving to my farm in Beggs, Ok. I was thinking Beggar Boomer, lol.

I have few regrets in my life but a couple of them was not joining the military and not attending college. I married my high school sweetheart straight out of school and joined the school of hard knocks.

My favorite possession in my youth was a transistor radio. I listened to rock, country and especially sports. As an early teen, I followed OSU and (spit!) Walt Garrison. That all changed when a certain OU player from Miami, Ok joined the team. I was hooked and have been since. Yes even through the dark ages, I still followed the team.

I joined and posted on the Rivals board for several years (2000 to 2016) before joining Sooner Times in 2016. I was once told by a poster I needed to get a hobby. Well this is my hobby, just like my trusted radio back in the days. I know none of you personally, but I still feel like all of you are my friends and I love all of the posts, even the negative ones. SALUTE!!! :dude: :ou:

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Post by OU Guy »

I didn’t grow up here but always liked Sooners as a kid. Doing 20 years in Navy took me to 31 countries and lived in several cities/states. Made keeping up with OU harder. Navy brought me here and my last duty station was Tinker with TACAMO. I even lived in Japan for 2 years. Love living here.

Baseball story. I was a Twins fan back then before I quit baseball. I was deployed with Forrestal/VF-31 (F-14’s) in 91 and we were in the Med. Twins made WS and played Atlanta. We only got AFRTS radio. Due to time difference the games came on early morning (we were 5 hours ahead). I listened to every game and I must say it was so riveting not seeing it but only having the play by play, and it was greatly called. Every game was 1 run I think.

Another story. When I joined they joked the Navy could take my birthday away. Well when we did a Westpac cruise you actually cross the international date line. So one day at 23:59 its Tue night and then in 2 minutes its Thu morning at 00:01. You skip a day. So anyone who had a birthday that Wed lost it. On the way back we did opposite and did the same day twice. So the ship celebrated the missed birthdays on the first extra day and regular birthdays on the 2nd day.

Another tidbit that cruise was on CVN-70 Carl Vinson (Chucky V). Discovery Channel was still young and growing. They got permission to come with and film life on an aircraft carrier so had super good equipment. We left SF and were headed to Hawaii and one day our sister squadron was doing a super sonic flyby (F-14) on the port side. Well all the sudden their starboard engine caught fire and got worse and they were told to eject so they did. Helo recovered them safely. During the investigation the team confiscated Discovery film since they were filming it. Ship has nothing too great film wise. But Discovery film was so super clear and zoomed in they found a panel just forward of engine had come off and ingested causing catastrophic failure. They could see the fasteners used were the wrong type! Amazing how even in 1994 they had such great cameras.

Anyways, Discovery released a documentary called “Carrier, Fortress at Sea” and you can go to UTube and watch it. I’m in this film in selected areas lol.

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Post by humblesooner »

Way back when, the Marines started this, I think.
But, I used to have a bumper sticker saying "It's hard to be humble when you're a Sooner".
Always liked that slogan.
About the time Al Gore invented the internet, we were living in Humble, TX (Houston, TX).
When we created our emails, I came up with an original one that was first name, last name
Then, when I realized how many millions of people would eventually see that, lots of people who didn't need to know my name, I decided I needed to change to a generic handle.
Easy transition to humblesooner when I first registered for this site.

Born and raised in Tulsa. Job transfer to Houston in 1993. Been here ever since.
Not sure how I became a Sooner fan because my family was not really a sports fan family.
We did always watch OU/Neb Thanksgiving weekend.
But, teams were limited to 2 TV appearances per year, so watching you favorite team on TV was always a big game and was a special event.
After he died, I learned that my Grandfather used to disappear 5-6 Saturdays every year. Found out that he was going to Norman to games. I had no idea while he was still alive. My 9th grade speech teacher was Randy Hughes' mother. I had followed OU as long as I can remember, but when Randy was there is when I became a big fan.
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Post by Gandalf »

I have been an Okie all of my life outside of five months after college in Arkansas. That was sure an experience but I digress.

I grew up a Husker fan believe it or not. I just liked being “that kid” so while everyone cheered for OU, I naturally chose Nebraska. I really didn’t follow sports that much until I moved to OKC area in 2000. My first OU game was against UTEP in 01 or so and I was hooked.

I can claim a degree from OU, yet not mine. I paid for my son to go there and my lovely DIL is also an OU grad. Now I spilt season tickets with them and go to all the games. Been to two B12 championships and am going this year if we make it.
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Post by soonerBAS »

Born and raised and lived my whole life out here in NW Oklahoma and been an OU fan the whole time. Some of my best memories was listening to games on the radio that came on at 1:30 in the afternoon with my dad back in the 60's and 70's.

My user name? it's real creative, I took and jumbled some letters from my name into a user name. I've posted with the same name on the old insider, scout, landthieves, dirtburglars, briefly on 247, I think it was when 247 began with the pay info and all the pop up ads a few years ago that someone posted a link to this web site and I found my way here.
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Post by K2C Sooner »

BAS, Echo101, the gorilla guy, was the one that posted that link on 247. It's funny, he has disappeared on this board since then. I see your posts often on the Dirt board. You bring alot of good info to this board. Glad you're a member.
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