Like the Shania Twain song says...

Forum to discuss the best softball team in the country
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OU Chinaman
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Like the Shania Twain song says...

Post by OU Chinaman »


A chance to be remembered as a member of the All Time Greatest Collegiate Fast-Pitch Softball team.
All those years as a little girl playing a game you love, encouraged by Mom & Dad who dutifully took you to practice and games. Coaches, who believed in you & helped you improve.

Now here you are, on the cusp of realizing a dream.
The semifinals of the WCWS in OKC.

I've been so impressed with the mental toughness and athletic prowess you've demonstrated all season.
As the two time defending National Champs, the bullseye on your backs couldn't have been more evident.
Yet, you embraced that role and set the ALL TIME CONSECUTIVE WINNING STREAK! BRAVO, young ladies.

But it's not your yang that's enthralled me, it's the ying.

Back in the day frankly, most fast-pitch players were mostly heavier sort of girls, and mostly lacking the feminine charm you display.

The ponytails and hair ribbons. The dancing, giggling, and smiles you see in the dugouts. The stuffed animals, and rally caps.
The clapping, fist pumping, and female shouts of enthusiasm and motivation for your teammates. The revelry you display in competing at the highest level.
The female figure and form as athletic and beautiful as your spirits.

I'm telling you, it's does a world of good for an old man's soul. (And I would imagine a younger man's too.)
I see you as athletic and angelic at the same time.

Even if the fast-pitch Gods don't smile on you today, you've forever won a new fan.
I believe in you, and what you've accomplished no matter what happens.

BUT, I also believe you can make it happen! :cool:



:ou: :ou: :ou: :rice:
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