Preston & Child Pendergast Series

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Preston & Child Pendergast Series

Post by BudaSooner »

I have enjoyed reading all of the books by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, both their individual output (each is worthwhile reading on his own, IMO) and their collaboration on the Pendergast series, beginning with the first book Relic (which was made into a movie, I believe).
While a bit quirky, and touching on some esoteric topics, the Pendergast series is one which I have followed the most, having read all of the books. I give the series of books a rating of a solid 9 out of a possible 10, and look forward to the release of each new book. I am currently reading The Cabinet of Dr. Leng, the latest in the Pendergast series.
I might mention that The Lost City of the Monkey God, by Preston, is a non-fiction book, in which Preston actually participated in an expedition to Honduras to search for a lost civilization enveloped in the jungle. Excellent read!

(BTW, I would highly recommend that anyone interested in reading the Pendergast series attempt to read the books in order, if possible.)
I read almost exclusively ebooks anymore, but most libraries probably have the entire collection available for loan.
List of books by Doug Preston and collaborative.
Lincoln Child Books (and collaborative books)

What say you, guys & gals? Opinions?
Poster previously known as BlackwellSooner
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